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Thank you for supporting

Advocacy and Caring for Children's

Endowment Fund.


We encourage our members to make an annual gift to our endowment fund. If you have not made a gift yet this year to the ACC Endowment Fund, now is a great time to do so. Because of regular, annual donations to our Endowment by members and friends of ACC, the Fund is now over $1,554,000 (May 2024)– and continuing to grow!


Through this page you can chose to designate that you are supporting our Endowment Fund Campaign with a donation, and furthermore, can chose to note if your donation is in memory or honor of someone special.  In gratitude, ACC office staff will send a card noting a donation was made to ACC. Please include name and address in the notes if you'd like a card sent on your behalf.


If you have questions about any of the above Gift Giving options, please contact:


Heidi Bruch - ACC Programs and Operations Manager

100 23rd Ave South |Seattle, WA 98144 |(206)328-5973 |acc@ccsww.org
